Monday 22 April 2013

What Inspires You?

What keeps you inspired and motivated in the FitLife? 

For me it’s the feeling of putting my headphones on and escaping from the world. I'm in control now, its up to me when I give up, how hard I'm going to push myself and how heavy I'm going to go. That burn during a set, and that last rep struggle to get the weight up. 

Bigger and stronger people inspire and motivate me, I admire all the hard work they have put into their bodies. The things sacrificed and the time/effort they’ve put into preparing meals and staying disciplined. 

It motivates me to inspire people close to me that I love and care about. 

and (OBVIOUSLY) Pictures motivate me. I picked out a few inspiring bodies.  

These are bodies that inspire ME, everyone has a different interpretation of what the "perfect body" is. Keep an open mind! 

These women are strong, disciplined and straight up fit. Damn ladies, Imma get on your level! These bodies are the result of weight training, regular cardio and a CLEAN diet. 

xo FitnessLover <3<3 

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