Monday 22 April 2013

Daily Dose of Leg

Alright, So what did I do today?

Since finishing exams, I have a break until I start working for the summer May 6th. So I've been sleeping in like CRAAAAZY! I woke up this morning at 12... Yup noon. I bet your wondering what the first thing I did was... Or maybe not. But I ate (obviously), I never skip breakfast.

I had 1/2 a cup of quaker oats, I also took a multivitamin and 3 fish oils. 

 sometimes I put cinnamon on it, sometimes apples, and even brown sugar. It gets kind of boring day after day. After I ate I played with my cat for a while, because really, since school has finished I have nothing to do. I'd say that I'm really committed to the gym, I spend my days excited to go to the gym!

Around 3:00 I ate again, I had 3 eggs (the whole damn thing, not just the whites, because I'm bad ass like that). 1 peach yogurt, a handful of almonds and a glass of water.  

My dad came home from work just as I was eating up, and he was obviously hungry, so I made him an egg sandwich. Such a good daughter I am. But he's an even better dad, because he helped me pay for my gym membership for the summer. THANKS DAD!

Well, off to the gym (4pm)

Mondays = Legs

Barbell Squat 10 (reps)  x 4 (sets)
Barbell DeadLifts 10 x 4
Lunges 4 x 20
Body Squats x 50  (usually do these between sets)
Hamstring Curl 8 x 3
Leg Extension 8 x 3

When I was resting between hamstring curl, I was sliding down the seat part of it (kind of hard to explain) Anyways. I did it twice and I looked up and a bunch of people were watching and laughing at me! But hey, I was having a good time, I was laughing too!

After my work out I always do 40 minutes of cardio, on the step mill (the step mill is your best friend ladies) - It seems like a long time, but blast your favourite songs and step away! I dance sometimes, get the head bobbing, people look over, probably think I'm crazy. But heck, I don't care!

Stretched after my work out and guzzled back a protein shake. 

I got home, hung out with the family and ate again 7:30 - 3oz of Tilapia, asparagus, broccoli, zucchini and red pepper. nom nom nom.

All and all it was a good day, I only got 4 meals in, but I slept in late! Tomorrow I'll be up and ready to go and eat more. I love this Fit Life!

xo  Fitness Lover

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